Jun 14, 2020, 20:51 by lukas.toggenbur...@fhgr.ch:

> Do we need additional steps to make this value "official"?
You can go through a https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposal_process
but it is unlikely to add anything.

You can try asking for support in editors (JOSM presets etc), but not sure how 
it is. Is it popular and significantly undertagged in some regions or is it 
rare and exotic type?

>  I would like to propose it as an additional option in StreetComplete ( > 
> https://github.com/westnordost/StreetComplete>  ) but don't want to do it 
> prematurely.
It appears to be extremely rare (based on number of tags so far), so it is 
likely that
answer will be "for rare situations the can't say option that will leave a 
freeform note is available"

See also https://github.com/westnordost/StreetComplete/issues/1202
https://github.com/westnordost/StreetComplete/issues/1038 that are related.

See also initial discussion in 

Note: I am not a maintainer of StreetComplete - but I would encourage looking
through what I linked before creating a new issue
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