Am Mo., 29. Juni 2020 um 14:05 Uhr schrieb bkil <>:

> If we already add a type, why can't we make it right? Why not use such
> a taxonomy that makes sense, enabling interpretation for both locals
> and internationally?

I think this is what we all are striving for here, the problem is that it
is not obvious. It is clear we ideally want to be able to exactly
understand from the tags what kind of object it is, but if have too many
different types on the top level, it will make it difficult to use the data
(you must know all these tags and look for them in order to show them to
your users), while if we have too few top level tags, people must also look
for all the subtags in order not to get a wrong impression. We are looking
for a "middle way", and what makes sense in this regard is seen differently
by different people. That's why we are discussing here.

> I'm still not sure how we should tag a cukrászda around the world and
> I haven't made a concrete suggestion for this yet, but I'm positive
> that users are looking for this and deserve the right to be able to
> search for it _somehow_.

it is you who knows the cukrászda best. You must decide (together with your
fellow local mappers who also know the feature), whether it is a subtype of
one of the established tags, or whether it is so different that it must get
a new tag. People from England or Italy can not help significantly you to
make this decision, because we do not know the feature well. We can only
help you by asking questions and trying to explain what the implications
and meaning of the established tags are (and only if we can concur on a
common meaning ;-) which is not a given, as shown by this discussion). You
will also almost everytime find someone who does not agree, and while I
have read a lot of things from Paul that made sense in other contexts, in
this particular discussion it appeared to me that he was sometimes giving
interpretations of established tags that didn't find other supporting

> From a perspective of local knowledge, I had to point out the
> workaround of using amenity=cafe + cuisine=* for many years now to
> well experienced OSM editors with thousands of edits around the world,
> because they wouldn't have otherwise thought of this (but then they
> also disagreed with this concept). How would I then expect a novice
> mapper or a navigation user to have figured this out then?

by documenting it in the wiki, also in your language (and potentially
convincing the makers of tagging presets to cater for it). (I have seen
there are quite some hits in the wiki already for this word).

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