Dear all,

when mapping landcover and landuse in OSM, it may be possible sometimes to find 
areas in which ground is compacted without any vegetation like in these 
pictures [1]<>, 
[4]<> (scale in 
filename). We have some doubts on how to approach those areas for several 

  *   It doesn't seem to us that universally accepted or even proposed tag of 
groundy places exists. By the way it may be useful to know where an area is 
groundy e.g. for off-road navigation. Some illegal 
natural=land<> seems to be 
there, but maybe it could be worth considering to do a tag proposal of
     *   Key: natural or landcover
     *   Values: ground, bare_ground, soil, bare_soil, land
     *   Frankly, a natural=ground seems the most reasonable to me
  *   It doesn't seem reasonable to consider default ground a blank map, 
otherwise many areas of the world would be bare ground, or we should cope with 
the idea that this is necessary otherwise.
  *   We would feel unconfident to use 
natural=scrub<> or 
in those areas...
  *   Some areas as these 
 could be tagged as intermittent wetlands, which makes sense in some particular 
areas with rainy and dry seasons in Africa. But not all the groundy places 
without vegetation are wetlands, like deserts. Actually an abandoned tag 
is there, but I think most of the sandy deserts are mapped with 
natural=sand<> and 
natural=dune<> even 
though other materials are there for deserts.
  *   Another way worth considering could be to use 
surface=*<> which is 'Originally 
concerned about the surface in relation to transport and sports and more 
commonly used on linear features it is now increasingly used with certain areas 
of type natural<>=*' according 
to the wiki. By the way this is an additional tag, so I think it can be dirty 
to use it to map ground.

What are you thoughts? Have you ever needed or thought about how to address 
this issue? Which tags would you use / propose (if needed) to map ground?


Michael Montani
GIS Consultant, Client Solutions Delivery Section
Service for Geospatial Information and Telecommunications Technologies
United Nations Global Service Centre
United Nations Department of Operational Support

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