Jul 8, 2020, 01:21 by pla16...@gmail.com:

> On Wed, 8 Jul 2020 at 00:08, Martin Koppenhoefer <> dieterdre...@gmail.com> > 
> wrote:
>> traditionally, people worked and slept in the same space (the helpers), 
>> today these are typically shops and above dwelling/s. Are they „houses“, 
>> building=house?
> Ah, so that's what you're getting at.  A lot of those in my town.  Built as 
> houses.
> Used initially, for a time, as houses (not necessarily with a workplace, often
> just a dwelling).  Later converted to have a shop on the ground floor with the
> upper floor used as a dwelling.
> This is the big can of worms where this list splits into two warring factions:
> one insisting that only building=yes has any meaning
Is anyone actually holding this opinion? 

>  If it was obviously built as a house I'd tag it as building=house

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