For what it's worth, ordinarily I will map a stretch of road with parallel
or diagonal parking by drawing a parking area that shares nodes with the
road centre-line. The routers find it when asked to find parking, it
doesn't render badly, and I think it expresses the intention.  If there is
parallel or diagonal parking on both sides of the road, it looks like a
road going through a parking field, but if it's `highway=residential` (or
`unclassified` or `tertiary` or whatever) the routers don't appear to care.

On Fri, Jul 24, 2020 at 10:54 AM Paul Allen <> wrote:

> On Fri, 24 Jul 2020 at 15:26, Matthew Woehlke <>
> wrote:
>> On 24/07/2020 10.18, Paul Allen wrote:
>> >
>> > Sounds like the same thing,  Near enough.  Especially if some streets
>> > have signs saying "no parking at any time."
>> Right; I didn't mean "we don't have on-street parking", I meant we don't
>> mark it like that.
> Tomato/tomahto. :)
>> Relatedly: I would call that "on-street parking". To me, a "parking
>> lane" is actually more like the NYC video I linked, i.e. a space that is
>> dedicated to *parking* and not intended to be used by through traffic.
> That's my take on it, too.
> This is probably a large part of the confusion, as it seems that what
>> OSM calls a "parking lane" is what I would call "on-street parking", and
>> what I call a "parking lane", OSM considers a parking lot.
> A lot of the documentation was written by people who don't have British
> English as a first language.  You have to look at the pictures, too.
>> >> BTW, this is what NYC apparently considers a "parking lane":
>> >>
>> >
>> > That's a "floating parking lane," according to the video.
>> Yeah, I don't know what "floating" means there.
> You don't?  It even explained it in the video.  Or the description.
> Somewhere.
> The parking spaces are detached from the sidewalk because there's a
> bicycle lane between the two.
>> > Looks to me like a parking lot adjoining a road at one side and
>> > adjoining a cycle lane at the other.  I say this because of what is
>> > visible at the left of that "floating parking lane" - an obstacle.
>> > Even with no vehicles parked there, through traffic would be
>> > obstructed.  Difficult to be sure, from the video, though.  I'm glad
>> > I don't have anything like that around here, otherwise I'd have to
>> > figure out how to map it.
>> It's pretty typical of what I'm dealing with in Quantico, though. We
>> seem to have come to an agreement to map this as a "lot".
> It's how I'd handle the one in the video.  But that's just me, bringing my
> own cultural assumptions and idiosyncrasies with me.  And I'm
> very idiosyncratic.
>> > Was there through traffic in the parking lane itself in the above video?
>> I can state with some confidence that there isn't *intended* to be.
> I don't recall seeing any.  I don't want to use up more of my
> download limit checking, so I'm relying on my increasingly-
> defective memory.
> Again, I think we've agreed to treat that as a "lot". (Which I believe
>> is what I was trying to say, admittedly very badly, with the above.)
> I think it's a floating parking lot not a floating parking lane. :)
> --
> Paul
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