On 27/7/20 5:58 am, Rob Nickerson wrote:
Hi all,

Mappers in the United Kingdom are looking to agree two tags for mapping 'Unique Property Reference Numbers' and 'Unique Street Reference Numbers'. To support this effort I volunteered to create the relevant proposal pages on the wiki.

To view and comment on these please see:


These pages have already been posted to talk-gb and talk-ie (for Northern Ireland) a few days ago. As long as there are no major blockers here, we will move to the voting stage shortly.

1) minimum time for comments is 2 weeks... don't be in  hurry.

See  https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:ref In particular the wide use of *ref:** as a namespace <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Namespace> prefix.

The namespace prefix is crowed with country specific uses so I would see any objection here to this new use should also address the proliferation of country specfic existing uses too.

Record hottest temperature for attic place.
/According to scientific study, global warming in the Arctic is happening twice as fast as for the rest of the planet./
/For the second day in a row, the archipelago registered 21.2 degrees Celsius in the afternoon, just under the 21.3 degrees recorded in 1979, meteorologist Kristen Gislefoss told AFP./
/Later in the afternoon, however, at around 6pm local time, it recorded 21.7 degrees, setting a new all-time record./
/The island group, dominated by Spitzbergen the only inhabited isle in the northern Norway archipelago, sits 1,000 kilometres from the North Pole./

Record hottest temperature for attic place.
/According to scientific study, global warming in the Arctic is happening twice as fast as for the rest of the planet./
/For the second day in a row, the archipelago registered 21.2 degrees Celsius in the afternoon, just under the 21.3 degrees recorded in 1979, meteorologist Kristen Gislefoss told AFP./
/Later in the afternoon, however, at around 6pm local time, it recorded 21.7 degrees, setting a new all-time record./
/The island group, dominated by Spitzbergen the only inhabited isle in the northern Norway archipelago, sits 1,000 kilometres from the North Pole./


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