Once again, thanks for everyone's great comments, but I'm not entirely sure
what, if any, consensus we can draw from our discussions here.

To my mind, we are all in agreement that we should have values for the
service tag for 'main parking access' and 'main property/campus access',
although some of us believe that the same tagging could be used for both.

# Parking Access

There are already 2K examples of service=parking in use around the world (
https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/service=parking), and while I can't
claim to have done an exhaustive study, it appears that it is used for the
purpose of the main driveways through a parking lot.

However, I am certainly open to the idea that it could be confusing as
there often may not be parking explicitly on the serice=parking way itself.

So, it's a trade-off between reflecting what seems to be established usage,
or to come up with a better tagging that we hope to become the new
established usage.

*If* we want to push for a new established usage, how about
service=parking_access ?

# Other Property/Facility/Campus Access

There are already 800 examples of service=access in use around the world (
https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/service=access), and while I also
can't claim to have done an exhaustive study, it does appear to be used for
the purpose that we have been discussing in this thread.

In this case, I certainly understand the objection that this doesn't
actually mean a lot - as all highway=service ways are for accessing

Once again, it's a trade-off between reflecting what seems to be a minor
level of established usage, or to come up with a better tagging that we
hope to become the new established usage.

*If* we want to push for a new established usage, how about
service=main_access ?

Happy to hear everyone's thoughts here, and I hope to get something we can
vote on on the wiki soon.

- David

On Tue, 4 Aug 2020 at 21:43, Matthew Woehlke <mwoehlke.fl...@gmail.com>

> On 03/08/2020 19.56, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
> > On Tue, 4 Aug 2020 at 01:10, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> >> Parking lot access roads are a common example; I don't really feel that
> >> these are "driveways", but I also prefer to reserve "parking_aisle" for
> >> ways that actually *have* parking spaces along them.
> >
> > Main through road across the front of the shopping centre, with
> > parking_aisles opening off it, put with a dozen or so specialised parking
> > spaces (disabled, ambulance, reserved, electric vehicle charging) on it -
> > does that change it from "access" to another parking aisle?
> Maybe. It's possible I'd tag that as a parking_aisle. The point was more
> though that I wouldn't use parking_aisle for something that *doesn't*
> have parking spaces.
> >> service=driveway/drive-through -> Service way for access to a fuel
> station
> >>
> >> IMHO, a drive-through is a very specific type of way which involves a
> >> service window. *Maybe* you could argue for that in case of a
> >> full-service fuel station, but I wouldn't use it otherwise. (Note:
> >> "drive through" implies that the vehicle will engage in stopping but no
> >> standing or parking.)
> >
> > No, driveway/-through is good for a fuel station, as well as anywhere
> else
> > that you don't get out of your car to be served eg take-away, car wash,
> > bottle shop (liquor store)
> "Anywhere else that you don't get out of your car to be served" is
> effectively what I proposed, but (at least in the US, nearly all) fuel
> stations do *not* meet that criteria.
> --
> Matthew
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