On 4/8/20 7:17 am, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
Everyone, the voting period for natural=bare_ground is still open for 4 more days.

I would recommend voting "no" on the current definition, unfortunately.

As mentioned above, the current definition is far too broad, and could easily be construed to include areas under construction, areas of bare soil due to use by people as a pathway or road area,
These are 'land use' not 'land cover' and can be tagged separately. They are orthogonal.
and many sorts of arid and semi-natural areas, including those that are partially covered by shrubs, heath, grass or other sparse vegetation,

The question is, what is dominate? An area of trees that is mostly trees should be tagged as trees, if it is mostly bear earth then tagged as bare earth...

OSM already has areas of combined trees and shrubs where the general guide used is tag what is dominate. No need to single this proposal with partial coverings as it applies to all of the present OSM tagging.

or even areas of farmland that are currently fallow.
Again a land use not a land cover.

Please see the discussion and objections on https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Proposed_features/Ground

I think it is a good idea to have a way to tag bare soil which is not sand (natural=sand) or mostly stones (natural=shingle/scree) or mud, but we need a clear, limited definition which does not fit with human-use areas like roads, dirt parking lots, construction sites, abandoned quarries etc, and there needs to be more consideration about when the tag should be used instead of natural=heath and natural=scrub in arid regions where there are scattered bushes.

For the proposal author, I would suggest mapping some local features in your area which would fit the proposed definition, and then come back with photos plus aerial imagery of the areas which ought to be mapped with this tag. So far it has been mostly hypothetical, which makes it hard to understand which sorts of landscapes would qualify for this tag.

I think this is similar to the tags surface=earth and surface=dirt, both are poorly defined.

Perhaps these 2 tags would be better as surface=soil???

The proposal sates "An area covered by soil" so it should be natural=soil.

The description could then be "The upper layer of the planet earth being a material typically consisting of a mixture of organic remains, clay, and rock particles." ???

Of course the usual exclusions apply;

majority is soil

where a more detailed value applies, use it eg natural=clay if the majority of the area is covered by clay.

- Joseph Eisenberg

On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 5:58 AM Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com <mailto:dieterdre...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    sent from a phone

    > On 27. Jul 2020, at 13:41, Michael Montani
    <michael.mont...@un.org <mailto:michael.mont...@un.org>> wrote:
    > I eventually found on-the-ground images of the feature I would
    like to propose / map.

    are these suggested to be represented as polygons? How would the
    border be determined? I looks from the imagery as if there is a
    smooth transition of these „features“ and neighbouring land which
    isn’t completely bare. Did you try to map some of these and if
    yes, could you please post a link to an area where a few are mapped?

Transitions from, say, trees to shrubs also occur. The guide is to map what is dominate, when domination changes is where the 'border' is. OSM does not have tagging for mixed areas, if you want it .. propose it?

Cheers Martin

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