Aug 22, 2020, 12:17 by

> On Sat, Aug 22, 2020 at 12:09:14PM +0200, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging wrote:
>> I would expect roundabout to be split in parts where
>> ref is applying and parts where it is not applying, in other words
>> without any special handling and tag it as usual.
> But the point is that on a roundabout the "name" references the name
> of the _roundabout_ not one of the streets connected to it. 

> Same should apply to ref as it will reference the Roundabout

>  e.g.
> otherwise there would be no way to e.g. say tag a roundabout
> with "East 1" or "No 1" because the Ref is taken by one or all
> of the streets. 
So it is about case where road has its own reference number
and junction has its own reference number, separate from
reference number of road routes?

> Adding all refs of all streets PLUS that of the roundabout would
> make it even worse as you couldnt distinguish which of the refs
> references the Roundabout and which of the refs is that of the streets.
> So i simply say when the logic is that the way with
> "junction=roundabout" is not part of the streets and has a life of
> its own with e.g. established with the name tag - same should and must
> apply to the ref.  This does not prohibit adding the roundabout to some
> kind of relation containing all parts of a road in a road network.
In Poland road route continues through roaundabout and roaundabout way
is part of such route.

(here parts of roundabout may be argued to not belong into 774 relation, but...)
(may not be roundabout strictly speaking, but it is not changing anything 
(roundabout plan but with traffic signs)
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