On Sat, Oct 3, 2020 at 4:31 PM Paul Allen <pla16...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> I would say not, by my understanding of the term.  But I can't guarantee
> my understanding matches general UK usage.  However, if we count that
> as a farm shop then the term essentially becomes an alias of greengrocer.
> A greengrocer with a single supplier, but still a greengrocer.  An
> intermediary between the customer and the farmer.
> It's stretching things if the shop is attached to a private house and the
>>> produce is grown in the garden,
>> So what do we call it if we have a bumper crop of mangoes & decide to put
>> a table out the front & sell them for $1 each?
> Unless you do it regularly and people come to rely on you for their supply
> of mangoes, it's not worth mapping, is it?

Some of my neighbors sell extra eggs or small bunches of flowers. I don't
map those. To hit and miss.

I live in a farming area. Apparently the soil around here ranks with the
best. A number of the farmers have "farm stands" as they are called
locally. Usually it is a separate building with a lock box to accept cash
or checks. They have small signs along the road as well as a couple of
websites that list the farms and what you can get.  I've tagged a few as
shop=farm. OSM even has a nice icon for the business. These are different
from greengrocers. We have one greengrocer in the area, but I'm not sure if
it has ever been mapped.

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