Vào lúc 06:17 2020-11-19, Tobias Zwick đã viết:
Hello all

First of all, in the past, we have explored many edge cases for the lanes-tag in various discussions and I am happy that for the most part, it seems to be quite well defined by now. However, there is one edge case which is not uncommon at all but still unclear or awkward to tag. Look at this:


It is a residential road marked clearly for 2 lanes, so it seems obvious to tag it with lanes=2. But on the other hand, you'll notice that there are parking cars on the right side that effectively render the right lane unusable. These parking cars would (currently) be tagged I believe as


And the wiki states

 > And the following lanes should be excluded:
 > [...] Parking lanes [...]

So here is an ambiguity in the documentation. On the one hand, if the road has marked lanes, the number of marked lanes should be tagged, on the other hand, there are these kind of "parking lanes" which do not have their own space marked as a parking lane but simply absorb the space assigned to normal car traffic. In OSM tagging, these are also "parking:lane"s as far as I know.

We need to dissolve this ambiguity by defining a way how to distinguish between these two cases:

(1) a dedicated parallel parking lane. This lane should not count as a lane in the lanes-tag. (2) (parallel) parking is allowed (and used). This should be irrelevant for the lane count.

My suggestion would be
(1) parking:lane:*:parallel = lane
(2) parking:lane:*:parallel = on_street

Maybe especially those who recently involved themselves with parking lane tagging out and about and its documentation could also state their point of view here. According to the wiki edit history, looks like at least Mateusz Konieczny, Supaplex030 and Minh Nguyễn were active.
What do you think?

There is also at least one data consumer I know about that is using parking lane information and displays it visually, https://github.com/dabreegster/abstreet it would be good to know how they interpret and visualize the data.

I'm not intimately familiar with the highway engineering standards and driving rules in Vienna Convention countries, but I wonder if case (2) is (literally) an edge case where we can tag it as a parking lane but not count it separately in lanes=*. After all, the roadway doesn't have any purpose-built infrastructure for parking, even if that's what people are doing.

For high-resolution renderers, maybe we need some variation on lane_markings=* to indicate that the parking lane specifically is unmarked. Or maybe a way to explicitly indicate that two lanes overlap. There are other cases of overlapping lanes, like turning movements that overlap with bike lanes [1] and often require turning vehicles to sneak around vehicles going straight. [2]

[1] https://nacto.org/publication/urban-bikeway-design-guide/intersection-treatments/combined-bike-laneturn-lane/ [2] https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2003-may-27-me-wheel27-story.html "You can drive side by side for a mile in the same lane, as long as it’s large enough."


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