On Sun, Dec 20, 2020 at 4:00 PM Volker Schmidt <vosc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The OSM wiki page Traffic_calming defines
>    - traffic_calming=rumble_strip
>    <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:traffic_calming%3Drumble_strip>
> as a structure that crosses the road. It also says explicitly:
> " Do not confuse with longitudinally placed rumble strips to alert drivers
> that they are leaving their lane, which are generally not mapped by OSM.
> (See rumble strips <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/rumble_strips>.)"
> Regarding the legal aspect of riding on the hard shoulder. I don't know
> the general rules in the US States, but I rode several hundred km on
> freeway hard shoulders in the western US that were explicitly signed as
> "cyclist use hard shoulder". If necessary I can check with my friends of
> Adventure Cycling Association - they are running a campaign to improve the
> situation regarding the danger posed by longitudinal rumbling strips in the
> US.

Bicycles *can* use hard shoulders, but this doesn't make the shoulder a
cycleway.  And shoulders that are open to bicycles and have been built or
rebuilt in the last decade or so will have gaps in the rumble strip
specifically to make it safer for bicycle traffic to get on or off the
shoulder safely.  There's usually 40-60 feet of rumble strip followed by a
10-15 foot long gap in a repeating pattern.  Pennsylvania has been
experimenting with buffered bike lanes, putting a rumble strip in the
buffer, but AFAICT, this is the only state that does this due to being the
only place with experimental approval to use a rumble strip on a bike lane.

But for just a generic hard shoulder on a freeway or highway?  cycleway=*
wouldn't apply at all.  Where signed as above where using the hard shoulder
is compulsory, then "no" would be a good value for all lanes in the
bicycle:lanes=* key along with bicycle=yes.
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