(Sorry if I missed a private message. I have a generic filter that throws all emails that match tagging in some way to one mailbox and sometimes I miss things.)

Anyway, I'm talking about globally distributed open source projects, where you communicate in text over email and forums. Not a workplace. It's very different ways of communicating, and it always looks harsher than it is. You probably have a whole different view of me than you would have if we met in person. But point is taken, and I have noted that discussions go south here a lot quicker than I'm used to, and indeed that's ineffective. I'll try to provide a softer tone, because what I want really want is solutions to the issues.

I guess one issue with my appearances here is that in my humble opinion many things in OSM are problematic, mostly a result of that it has piecewise evolved rather than it has had a solid design leadership, and it's got some growing pains. I've hidden that view poorly mainly because many issues I run into I think would have been non-issues if it has been more of a top-down design for a baseline feature set focusing on actual end uses. I now understand that this view is very provocative though, so I'll try to tone it down.

I personally want to see that the community work for a more defined mapping baseline with OSM-Carto as a strong reference, used as a motivational tool for crowd-sourcing, and as it is with the current provider landscape -- also work as an end product. It does in parts already, and I want to see more of that. I also got a sense of urgency, map density in OSM has improved a lot, data sources that a mapper has access too has also improved a lot since OSM started, so mappers can today map much more than they could before and are more motivated to do so, at least in some places in the world. I want the OSM technical platform to be ready for that.


On 2020-12-21 11:55, stevea wrote:
On Dec 21, 2020, at 2:10 AM, Anders Torger <and...@torger.se> wrote:
I'm sorry if you experience it as that. Maybe I'm a bit too confrontational, and maybe I should express myself with a softer tone, I guess my style has become a bit shaped by to how we communicate engineer to engineer in programming projects.

Anders, I’ve been an employee at Apple, Adobe and many startups (in
Silicon Valley and my university city nearby on the coast), as an
engineer, to other engineers.  I have been a team leader, a manager
and a director — on dozens of programming projects.  I DON’T “guess”
at your style and if you worked with me I’d give you as stern a
talking to behind a closed door, just the two of us.  That’s not as I
do here on-list, precisely because YOU chose the more public venue,
but also because you don’t answer my polite, private email.

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