On Sep 26, 2022, at 5:14 PM, Georg <georg2...@nurfuerspam.de> wrote:
> Dear all,
> stevea wrote Mon Sep 26 2022 01:36:26 GMT+0200
>>>> Is tracktype=grade1 surface=compacted a valid combination?
>>> while the EN wiki page https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:tracktype
>>> does not explicitly exclude it [...] the DE wiki page >> 
>>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Key:tracktype tells (translated
>>> by me) "waterproof surface" and thus explicitly excludes the combination.
>> As I said earlier, and as I've found in OSM across different countries / 
>> continents, there do seem to be and will seem to be "regional variations" 
>> like this.  The wiki using words like "usually" might encourage this, but it 
>> also "encompasses" it, as we're not very likely to get "perfection" with 
>> tracktype=* grades across the whole world.  Best practice seems to be 
>> denoting this in our respective wikis, which we appear to be on track doing 
>> so now.
> noting regional or language specific variances of a definition in the
> wiki is OK for manual mapping, but
(and wrote a great deal more, which I appreciate, have read and here politely 
redact most of it).
> Hence, I speak up for and strongly prefer to limit variances of
> definitions as much as possible, e.g. where simply not at all applicable
> because of local law.
> How do you see it?

The short version of how I see it is "there will be regional variations" and 
"updating what regions know and do about this in our wiki is at least something 
(a good start, anyway)."

I'm certainly open and very much in a listening mode to hear how others think 
we might address the specifics of this (and related tags where similar 
"syntactic smearing" takes place due to regional differences).  I also believe 
that acknowledging that "we are not likely to achieve perfection" and 
"perfection is the enemy of the good" are useful talking points for us to agree 
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