If it was fitted with a shower .. then it becomes a shower.
If around the pipe on which the tap is present is fitted a fountain .. then it becomes a fountain.

Nit picking: Oxygen is a gas .. under 'normal' conditions.
Better to use the term fluid rather than liquid.

I would expect the following to have taps are part of their construction - as a OSM default - shower, bottle filler, drinking fountain. If there is no tap .. then tap=no .. or better flow=continuous. Why is flow=continuous better .. it says what it is.
Why would tap=yes be a good default?

I have run an overpass query to find all tagged types of drinking fountains ("fountain"~"^(bubbler|drinking|nasone|drinking_fountain|toret|roman_wolf|wallace)$").

The total number of tagged items is 1572, 964 of which are in Italy (732 of which in Rome!!). In Italy this kind of fountains generally does  not have a tap.

Thus, the majority of fountains currently tagged in osm do not have a tap; at this point it would be more sensible to have tap=no as a default.
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