|Hello list,|

|I would like to simplify the tagging of parking lane positions (e.g. "on street" or "on kerb"). We have an established tagging for parking lanes (parking:lane=*), which allows to map the orientation and position of parked vehicles on the road. The proposal aims to change the position tagging by using the key "parking:lane:<side>:position" instead of the current ||unnecessarily complicated notation "parking:lane:<side>:<type>. This could be a next step to further improve the existing parking:lane scheme and make it more applicable.

|In addition, for separately mapped street parking areas (amenity=parking + parking=street_side/lane), an equivalent tagging for the position of the parking area is proposed (parking:position=*).

|See the proposal here: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/parking:position

|Please discuss this proposal on its Wiki Talk page.|

|Best, Alex
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