вс, 23 окт. 2022 г., 22:56 Tomas Straupis <tomasstrau...@gmail.com>:

>   As there have been incidents where widespread and basic tags have
> been known and widely understood and still some inexperienced people
> after several months of "practice" in OSM managed to push changes to
> those with devastating effects still visible today it is still a very
> good idea to clearly state such "standard" tags and "freeze" them.
>   I strongly believe that freezing "main" tags for main landuse,
> roads, waterways, buildings, places, MAIN amenities (classes used in
> 99% of map/gis products) would allow data consumers to spend less time
> on running after changes, reading thousands of letters to identify
> possible changes to important tags etc. Very few people care how
> colour of a bench is tagged but all care how a lake is tagged.

I suggest alternative solution: some machine readable spec, which defines
mapping between stable identifier and tags. For example (XML):
<item id="healthcare.hospital" k="amenity" v="hospital" />
<item id="healthcare.hospital" k="healthcare" v="hospital" />
<item id="shop.supermarket" k="shop" v="supermarket" />
<item id="landform.peak" k="natural" v="peak" />
In this example, "healthcare.hospital", "shop.supermarket" and
"landform.peak" is stable identifiers. If tag has been replaced, config
must be updated. Config may be applied on conversion stage.
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