On 20/11/22 10:49, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

sent from a phone

On 18 Nov 2022, at 22:35, Mike Thompson <miketh...@gmail.com> wrote:

In a nearby city to where I live, the city owned utility provides electricity, 
water, sewer, and internet.

yes, it is also common in areas I know to have a single provider for water, 
sewer, waste disposal and even local public transport. Maybe we should have a 
generic term for these kinds of offices and specify with additional tags the 
kind of services?



Technically energy = power x time, so related things but not the same.

In Australia homes are charged for the energy they use. They are limited to a maximum power by a hidden fuse behind the meter.

Industries are also charged for the energy they use .. and the maximum power drawn. Most industries have a set start up procedure to limit the maximum power drawn.

Utilities would not only be energy/power (electric, gas, oil, coal and wood) providers but also garbage collection, sewage, water, phone, cable TV and internet.

So a second tag of utility=electric/gas/oil/coal/wood/garbage_collection/sewage/water/phone/cable_tv/internet/* semi colin delimited for multiple values... ???

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