"or only with the significant effort of using geometric      processing
(which most applications can't perform)"

why doing it manually would be preferable?

Is it repeating mistake of adding pointless work for mappers
because it "causes extra preprocessing for routing software."?
And valuing time of mappers as worth nothing?
(PTv2 asks mappers to do something derivable from highway=bus_stop
location and roads within bus relation, massive amount of work
of mappers wasted to do preprocessing manually
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/index.php?oldid=625726 )

Why https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/24034881
needs to be preprocessed manually?
The same for https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/1111788729
(all examples from the proposal)

Or is it justifiable because it is outright impossible to do reliably
with automatic preprocessing?
(that is the justification for
If yes, can you give examples where it would be beneficial
and explicitly ask to introduce such tagging solely in
cases where preprocessing is doomed to fail?

If it is second case of preprocessing being impossible -
why do massive duplication and ask to duplicate ref value 
AND name value AND highway value?


Also, I think that
https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/119380508 is clearly a sidewalk
of that road.

2 gru 2022, 13:31 od supap...@riseup.net:

> Paths and ways along a road can be mapped separately in OSM, but      those 
> separate geometries cannot be identified as part of the      road, or only 
> with the significant effort of using geometric      processing (which most 
> applications can't perform). However, the      information whether a path is 
> attendant to a road or not is      important for many use cases and can offer 
> various advantages.
>  Therefore, a sidepath concept using the tag "is_sidepath" as an      
> additional tag on ways (in particular cycle ways or foot paths) is      
> proposed to indicate whether a way is related/attendant to a road      (i.e. 
> adjacent and parallel to a road) or whether it runs      
> independently/isolated without any relationship to a road.      Furthermore, 
> an extended set of sub-tags is proposed to allow to      explicitly tag 
> important road attributes on the sidepath itself.
>  > https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Key:is_sidepath
>  You can discuss this proposal on its Wiki Talk page or here.
> Best, Alex

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