
Le 23.02.23 à 12:46, Matija Nalis a écrit :
seems somewhat incorrect (as the tactile
paving does not follow that way

it's always the difference between being tactile_paving
or being a staircase with a tactile_paving
for example ramp=yes does not say that there is a ramp at
the exact place of the osm object but simply that the main object
has a ramp, this one not necessarily being in the centre of
the staircase
the same with a bus stop (bin bench tactile_paving aren't
at the exact location of the bus stop node, it is
an abstraction which says that the bus stop has these characteristics

on a practical level, I would ask a blind person using osm,
but I doubt that making one node per step for stairs with a tactile paving per step, brings a real advantage, the piling up of nodes
being closer than the precision of a classic gps


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