Am Di., 16. Mai 2023 um 13:33 Uhr schrieb <>:

> Hi everyone,
> As promised I will make separate emails with our tagging questions and
> proposals that we want to add to OSM for our app.
> With our On Wheels app we give more objective information to wheelchair
> users about dimensions of the entrance, toilet,
> Elevator, …
> *Toilets:wheelchair*
> toilets:wheelchair_door_width                (for the door width of the
> toilet)

is this a summary of all doors you will encounter on your way to the toilet
(which way?) or is it specifically about the toilet door, regardless of
other doors? Any bigger toilets use to have at least 2 doors, one leading
to the sinks and another one for the "cabin".

> toilets:wheelchair_space_side                   (for the space next to the
> toilet)
toilets:wheelchair_space_front                 (for the space in front of
> the toilet)

is it a width for all the room height (until where? 2m? 1,50?) or only for
heights where it may be conflicting with wheelchairs? If the latter, for
what kind of wheelchair / which height?

hand_basin:wheelchair                                (for a wheelchair
> accessible hand basin, answer with yes/no)

how is this going to be defined / which are the required dimensions and

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