Certain allergies or dietary restrictions preclude one from consuming
a meal prepared by conventional amenities, or if the find the drink
offering insufficient (for example you can rarely find milk or
vegetable juice at most places). Or you would like to bring some
snacks from home to a pub that only offers drinks (salty snacks may
build your thirst and make you buy more drinks).

Such a customer may still want to enjoy the company of their friends
and perhaps want to play a game together (see: gaming cafe). This can
happen when 1-2 such users accompany 4 others who do want to purchase
meal on site.

It does incur costs for the restaurant if not all patrons pay, so it
can also be tagged whether it is allowed, and if it is, whether it is
expected or mandated to pay an entry fee or to purchase something else
instead on the menu as compensation (drinks, dessert). Such a
restaurant may provide a microwave oven for reheating - this is common
for fast food restaurants (canteens) catering to office workers who
usually bring their own food to work.

In certain cases, government regulations may mandate signing a waiver
by such attendee that any and all ill effects from consuming the meal
shall be the responsibility of the person.

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