Hi Andy,
Many thanks indeed for the very speedy advice.  I will do the basic tagging now 
(from aerial imagery and memory) and visit again shortly to add more detail.
    On Sunday, 28 April 2024 at 15:40:53 BST, Andy Townsend <ajt1...@gmail.com> 
  On 28/04/2024 15:19, Peter Neale via Tagging wrote:
A local Public Bridleway has a few (3, 4 or 5 from Aerial imagery) steps going 
down before it passes under a road bridge, and a similar number up again on the 
other side. 
  How can I best tag this?  According to the wiki, "highway=steps" seems to be 
*an alternative to*, not *a qualification of * "highway=bridleway". I don't 
want to mislead consumers by breaking the bridleway, but I don't want cycling 
consumers to be unaware of the fact that there are a few steps to descend / 
ascend, which may require a dismount.  
Assuming we're talking about something that's signed as a "Public Bridleway" in 
England and Wales*, then at the most basic level there are two tags to consider:
   - highway=steps
   - designation=public_bridleway
The first of those says that there are some steps.  There's no other way of 
doing that; there are steps, so highway=steps it is.  There are of course lots 
of other tags that can add information to the physical steps (how many, which 
way is up, is there a bicycle ramp, etc.)
The second of those covers the legal "this is a public bridleway" part, as 
 .  You can also add "foot", "horse" and "bicycle" tags too as a helper to data 
consumers that may not understand "designation".
There are plenty of designated bridleways with steps on them - see 
https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/1KNx .
Best Regards,
* for Scotland 
 and for Northern Ireland 
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