
If you are running taginfo on your server there are a few changes: I rewrote
all the shell scripts that run the updates. They need bash now (don't work
with any old shell any more) and should be much more robust and easier to
understand. Functionality hasn't changed much, but the log file looks quite
different. She scripts don't change the current directory any more and don't
need to be started from a specific directory which should make them easier
to use and integrate into other scripts. m4 is not needed any more.

Note that I also finally retired the old sources.db.tagstats setting. Use
sources.db.bindir instead (which now is the directory where the tagstats and
other binaries live, not the filename of the tagstats binary as in the old
setting). You should have done this switch months ago, but if you haven't done
it yet, you have to do this now or your update will break.

One reason for this change is to prepare for the parallelization of the update
process. In the future different parts of the update will run in parallel to
speed up the update process. But I didn't want to make too many changes in one
go to make it easier for you to integrate the updates on your systems.

Happy New Year

Jochen Topf  joc...@remote.org  http://www.jochentopf.com/  +49-351-31778688

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