You appear to be using my "inputbean" tag library, which was just a
demonstration of an idea.  It's not part of JSP Taglibs and it's not
tested; it just goes along with the document at

as a methodology for designing relatively simple input-gathering web

Also, you've apparently extended or modified it (what's the class
'org.apache.taglibs.inputbean.Invalid', so without quite a bit more
information, I don't think I'll be able to help.

The error, though, is that there's no public void setName(String) method
in the class you've created.

Best wishes,


On Fri, 9 Feb 2001, Mark Scott wrote:

> Hi,
>      Can someone help me decipher this error msg..
> I'm using weblogic51 and JSP TAGLIBS to turn on and of
> pieces of code, depending on the validation of a specific field and its
> value..
> I keep getting this msg, that says I havn't defined a setter method for the
> tag attribute "name"
> Any help is appreciated...
> thnx,
> Mark
> ----------------------------ERROR MSG--------------------
> weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspException: (line -1): Error in tag library at:
> 'inputbea
> n': The Tag class 'org.apache.taglibs.inputbean.Invalid' has no setter
> method  c
> orresponding to TLD declared attribute 'name', (JSP 1.1 spec, 5.4.1)
>         at
> weblogic.servlet.jsp.StandardTagLib.jspException(
> 138)
>         at
> weblogic.servlet.jsp.StandardTagLib.processTag(, C
> ompiled Code)
>         at
> weblogic.servlet.jsp.StandardTagLib.processTagElements(StandardTagLib
> .java, Compiled Code)
>         at
> weblogic.servlet.jsp.StandardTagLib.<init>(
>         at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.loadTagLib(
>         at
> weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.mTAGLIB_DIRECTIVE_BODY(, C
> ompiled Code)
>         at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.mTAGLIB_DIRECTIVE(,
> Compil
> ed Code)
>         at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.mDIRECTIVE(, Compiled
> Code
> )
>         at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.mSTANDARD_THING(
>         at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.mTOKEN(
>         at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.nextToken(, Compiled
> Code)
>         at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspLexer.parse(, Compiled Code)
>         at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspParser.doit(, Compiled
> Code)
>         at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspParser.parse(
>         at weblogic.servlet.jsp.Jsp2Java.outputs(
>         at
> weblogic.utils.compiler.CodeGenerator.generate(, Co
> mpiled Code)
> -------------------------------IN JSP CODE-----------------
> <inputbean:valid name="submitId" value=<req:parameter name="submitId"/> >
>     <h3>submitId: is valid. </h3>
> </inputbean:valid>
> ----------------- INVALID TAG in TLD ---------------------
> <tag>
>     <name>invalid</name>
>     <tagclass>org.apache.taglibs.inputbean.Invalid</tagclass>
>     <bodycontent>JSP</bodycontent>
>     <info>
>       Executes its body only if the given parameter is invalid,
>       as defined by the xml schema logic.
>       logic.
>     </info>
>     <attribute>
>       <name>name</name>
>       <required>true</required>
>       <rtexprvalue>false</rtexprvalue>
>     </attribute>
>     <attribute>
>       <name>value</name>
>       <required>true</required>
>       <rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue>
>     </attribute>
>   </tag>
> -----------------INVALID CLASS--------------------------
> public class Invalid extends TagSupport {
>     private String name;                      // name of the relevant field
>     private String value;                        // calue of the Input field we're
> concerned with
>     public void setName(String x)
>     {
> = x;
>     }
>     public void setValue(String value) {
>       this.value = value;
>     }

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