I am trying to use the <apply> tag to generate other jsp tags from XSL.  The tags appear in the final html, but the jsp generated from the XSL doesn't ever get compiled and appears literally.  I'm using an IPlanet webserver to compile the JSP. 
In other words, this XSL code:
<td>Second Test from XSL:<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><![CDATA[<%=formHandler.getLastName()%>]]></xsl:text></td>
produces this html when I do a "view source":
<td>Second Test from XSL:<%=formHandler.getLastName()%></td>
without evaluating the <%=formHandler.getLastName()%>.  Any ideas?

Dave Allen
F o r t   P o i n t   P a r t n e r s   I n c .

Builders of Internet Solutions that Sell Harder
111 Sutter Street, 22nd Floor, San Francisco CA  94104

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