    We recently moved to WebLogic and and I'm seeing an error message deploying the example page for the request taglib.  The same example works wonderfully in Tomcat.  In reading this list, it seems that WL is a bit more stringent about what you can and can't do.

The datetime taglib works ok, it looks like WebLogic is whining about the looping constructs that use that try and use the jspGetProperty to reference the taglib.

However, I can't seem to see what sort of deployment problem I'm running into.  Any pointers?

Error message:

Parsing of JSP File '/pages/request.jsp' failed:

/pages/request.jsp(18): oatmeal is not defined as bean
probably occurred due to an error in /pages/request.jsp line 18:
Cookie name: <jsp:getProperty name="oatmeal" property="name"/>

here's the JSP page, fresh from CVS --- request.jsp -

<%@ taglib uri="http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/request" prefix="req" %>

Cookies received with request:
<req:cookies id="oatmeal">

   Cookie name: <jsp:getProperty name="oatmeal" property="name"/>
       Comment: <jsp:getProperty name="oatmeal" property="comment"/>
        Domain: <jsp:getProperty name="oatmeal" property="domain"/>
        MaxAge: <jsp:getProperty name="oatmeal" property="maxAge"/>
          Path: <jsp:getProperty name="oatmeal" property="path"/>
        Secure: <jsp:getProperty name="oatmeal" property="secure"/>
         Value: <jsp:getProperty name="oatmeal" property="value"/>
       Version: <jsp:getProperty name="oatmeal" property="version"/>

Here's my web.xml deployment file as stored in myApp/WEB-INF/web.xml

web.xml -

It appears that the CookiesTag.java is placing the ID in pageContext, and the TEI file looks like it's got the ID structure in place.

doStartTag(...) {


  new VariableInfo(data.getAttributeString("id"),

Even the BEA docs say this should be supported.


 Dynamically Named Scripting Variables
  [ text snipped ]


And it works in Tomcat.   So that makes me think it's a deployment issue, but I can't find it.  What am I missing?


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