Hello, to all,

I am not sure, if this is the right list for my question.

My goal is (still a goal, I'am learning JSP), to develop a web application
by _only_ using JSP Custom Tags and Beans in the JSP Pages. I want to avoid
Java Scripting.

I noticed the following: JSP Custom Tags can be used as attribute values in
common HTML. This practice is ugly and not XML but still helpful. In HTML
one could do for example:

   <form action="<jsp:getAttribute name="pageRef">">

It doesn't work with Custom Tags.

   <mytags:myform action='<jsp:getAttribute name="pageRef">'>

It works with scripting.

   <mytags:myform action= <%=somethingReturningAString()%> >

(I'am not sure, if all syntax ist correct)

Now my questions to You experienced users and developers:

- Is it very stupid, trying to do what I want to do?
- Is their a way to do it?
- How can I avoid Java and scripting in the JSP Pages?

Thanks and regards
Stefan Riegel

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