Reposting my proposal for change to DBTAGS:


For my current project, I have reworked the DBTags ResultSet tags (and
nested tags) to pull a javax.sql.RowSet out of a specified scope attribute
and make the RowSet data available.  This modification removes the
statement.execute() call and allows me populate the RowSet in another tier
(EJB).  My RowSet tag iterates just like the ResultSet tag and makes its
data available to nested tags in the same manner as ResultSet.

After reviewing what I did, I thought it would make more sense for the
DBTags to support this, rather than do the rewrite that I did.


I'd like to put forward the question to both the dev and user mailing lists:

Does it make sense / would it be useful for the DBTags to have the option of
pulling a ResultSet object from some specified scope, as an alternative to
performing a statment.execute() to obtain a ResultSet?

Note that the object stored in the specified scope COULD be a RowSet as
RowSet implements ResultSet.


The major benefit of this approach would be the seperation of data retrieval
(business logic) from data presentation.

What do you think?

Bill Pfeiffer

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