thanks everybody for all ur help
and i got to run the tag libraries.
thanks for ur help and guidance

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, June 15, 2001 12:45 AM
> Subject:      Réf. : hi
> Here are some URL to begin with taglibs :
> -
> -
> -
> Regards
> 14/06/2001 9:17
> Internet (Embedded image moved to file: pic18035.pcx)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - 14/06/2001 09:17
> Veuillez répondre à [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Pour :    taglibs-user
> cc :
> ccc :
> Objet :   hi
> hi everybody,
> please could anybody help me in how to use and deploy jakarta-taglibs. in
> the documentation it is not given in so detail.
> if anybody could help me it would be really helpful. since i have to
> implement it in a project.
> vikram
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