I finally got the tags working with the jndi.  For anyone trying to do the
same thing it needs to be file:/<directory>/<bound_name>.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Shead [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2001 3:52 PM
Subject: DBTags using jndiName

I'm probably missing something very simple here, but I can't seem to find
any information on the correct form of a jndiName for the DBTag connection.
I have bound a datasource to a name using JNDI and I have a test program
that uses this connection to get information out of a database, but I can't
seem to figure out how to get it to work using the DBTags.  

I thing my problem is with the jndiName.  The example from the docs looks
like this:

<sql:connection id="conn1" jndiName="java:/comp/jdbc/test"/>

I'm not really sure what the java:/comp/jdbc/ part of things is supposed to
be set to.  I'm assuming that "test" is the name that the datasource is
bound to.

I'm attempting to use the FSContext provider.   Should I use something like
"file:/comp/jdbc/test"?  Or should it be something like "file:/test" or
"file:/.bindings/test" None of these seem to work for me, but there may be
another place things need to be configured that I'm not aware of yet. 

Thanks for any help or any suggestions on where I should look.  


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