I am struggling with not resorting to scriptlets anywhere on my page, but
have hit a stumbling block.  I am using the dbtags ResultSet tag to iterate
through a set of rows and display some of the row's column data in am html
table.  Some of the columns are Y/N columns for which I need to build a
meaningful sentence to present to my user.  Example in regular java:

sustain = rowset.getString("SUSTAIN");
unanimous= rowset.getString("UNANIMOUS");
if (sustain.equals("Y") && (unanimous.equals("Y"))
    String outStr = "Unanimous that company sustained disclaimer of
else if (etc....

I need to perform this within my jsp without resorting to scriptlet.  My
initial thoughts were to use the dbtags ResultSet - getColumn and put the
result into a page attribute, but it doesn't appear that struts logic can
get at the page attributes, only the parameters.  Dbtags doesn't support
putting the value in parameters.

Any ideas?


Bill PFeiffer

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