The solution from the spec worked for the use with the input taglib.

I'm now having a problem with standard HTML tags, when I want to include 
values I have declared elsewhere in the code.

For example


String myURL = ""; ;


Later in the page, I want to reference this value in constructing a URL:

<a href="%= myURL%">click here</a>

in the output, the substitution is not made. The output is printed 
exactly as it is in the JSP page.

I am doing something wrong here?



On Wednesday, February 13, 2002, at 03:25 PM, Shawn Bayern wrote:

> On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, August Gresens wrote:
>> options="<%= o %>" />
>> With XML syntax, this won't work because the "<" and ">" characters
>> are illegal in XML with attributes, and JSP chokes while attempting to
>> parse it.
>> Does anyone know how to do this? Is there a new syntax for the XML
>> syntax to indicate to JSP that a reference instead of a value is being
>> passed (like XSLT's "$" operator).
> Yes:  "%= rtexprvalye %".
> Section 5.3.11 of the JSP specification provides the full info:
>   Request-time attribute expressions are of the form <%= expression %>.
>   Although this syntax is consistent with the syntax used elsewhere in a
>   JSP page, it is not a legal XML syntax. The XML mapping for these
>   expressions is into values of the form %= expression %, where the JSP
>   specification quoting convention has been converted to the XML quoting
>   convention.
> Also, it's worthwhile pointing out that since JSTL's (and JSP 1.3's
> likely) expression language will not rely on the rtexprvalue syntax, it
> won't need this sort of escaping.  In other words, your <c:forEach> tag
> should work similarly under the familiar and XML views of the page.
> --
> Shawn Bayern
> Author, "JSP Standard Tag Library"
> (coming soon from Manning Publications)
> --
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