Hi all,
Could any one please tell me how can I use JSTL in my projects. I read that
JSTL is still in development phase. If I would like to use JSTL for
production development, can I do that? and also how to test JSTL tag
libraries? Plesae tell me the procedure. Do I need to download any jar
files from any site ? or are there any tutorials how to use JSTL?

Please help me.

Thanks & Regards,
Suryanarayana Murthy A
Ph: 8291680 Ext:1137 / 1136
Dial-Comm: 8* 742-1114/1118

                    John Baker                                                         
                    <jbaker@teame        To:     Tag Libraries Users List 
                    nergy.com>           cc:                                           
                                         Subject:     ${x}                             
                    07:49 PM                                                           
                    respond to                                                         
                    Users List"                                                        

When ${x} is passed to a tag, does the tag figure out what it means or does

the variable get decoded and passed to the tag?

Ie in my previous example, where I combined a <c:forEach tag around my own,

and tried to pass the variable from <c:forEach to my own tag, is that
actually legal? Or did:

<prefix:myTag someAttribute="${var}"> just pass the String ${var} to my own


If so, I'm sadly beginning to conclude that there seems no easy method of
mixing JSTL and your own tags (that provide links into a 200,000 line
application 'under the hood'). It's very frustrating ;-)


John Baker, BSc CS.
Java Developer, TEAM/Slb. http://www.teamenergy.com
Views expressed in this mail are my own.

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