On Fri, 22 Mar 2002, Zvolensky, Thomas J {PDBI~Nutley} wrote:

> My principal problem is to avoid repeating the "grouped" column item
> on every detail line on the resulting web page.  I only want it to
> appear on the first line and list details below it.  Can you explain
> how the "group by clause" can help with this formatting?

Oh, if it's just a formatting issue, it won't.  Then, as someone else
said, you can use <c:set> to set a scoped variable for each row, and then
<c:if> to check the current row against the last one.  E.g.,

 <c:forEach ...>
  <c:if test="${current != last}">
    Print group name

  Print item value

  <c:set var="last" value="${current}">

Shawn Bayern
Author, "JSP Standard Tag Library"  http://www.jstlbook.com
(coming this summer from Manning Publications)

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