
I am trying to convert some working code from EA3 version to Beta 1 version. There
are a couple of problems that I encountered.

1. SQL result display problem.
I successfully retrieve the resultset using

<c:forEach var="column" items="${row}">
 <td><c:out value="${column}"/></td>

However, the following code retrieves blank values. I can see multiple empty
lines, which means the query is successful, but all the values are blank.

  <c:forEach var="row" items="${project.rows}">

      <td>  <c:out value="${row.proj_name}"/> </td>
      <td>  <c:out value="${row.task_name}"/> </td>
      <td>  <c:out value="${row.task_status}"/> </td>
      <td>  <c:out value="${row.act_name}"/> </td>
      <td>  <c:out value="${row.activity_status}"/> </td>

2. fmt:message cannot properly display text
I am only using fmt:message tag, all the messages are displayed as "???". If I
type in a non-exist value as either key or message tag's body content, it at least
displays the original value. For example

<fmt:message key="engineering_name" />  (engineering_name doesn't exist in
resource bundle)

This seems to me indicate that fmt tag is able to locate the bundle and key, but
is not able to display it.

Any idea?


-- Helen

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