TIMO> Sorry, i maybe did not tell it right ... i want to get a request.param from 
the original called jsp and pass it to the imported page ... example below did not 
solve that !?!?
    TIMO> thanks again timo

    >>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05.04.2002  10.01 Uhr >>>
    TIMO> I can answer because I've just used it. 
    TIMO> It is 
    TIMO>  <c:import url="some url">
    TIMO>           <c:param name="id" value="${param.id}" />
    TIMO>         </c:import>

    TIMO> I hope this will help you
    TIMO> Andrea

You know it "did not solve that" because you tried it?  What happened when you
tried it?  According to the spec (which is essentially the documentation), this
is exactly how you would do it, if we're understanding what you're asking for.

David M. Karr          ; Java/J2EE/XML/Unix/C++

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