Have you considered using JSTL instead of dbTags? Then you could do 
something like this:

   <sql:query var="result">
     SELECT * FROM catTable WHERE color=?
     <sql:param value="${myColor}"/>

   <c:if "${result.rowCount != 0}">
     <!-- Generate your table here -->

Martin Cooper

At 06:02 AM 4/30/2002, Carole E. Mah wrote:

>Here is what it says in the doc:
>"The "rowCount" tag prints out the number of rows retrieved from the
>database. It can be used inside a ResultSet tag to provide a running count
>of rows retreived, or after the ResultSet tag to display the total number.
>See the Tag Reference for examples. Using the tag before the ResultSet
>will produce an error."
>Is there any way to test rowCount before the ResultSet?
>That is, if I have "catTable":
>catName  color           furType
>Jasmine  Tortoise Shell  long
>Honey    Orange Tabby    short
>Corinna  Calico          short
>Pearl    Silver Tabby    long
>And my SELECT statement is:
>SELECT * FROM catTable WHERE color="Black";
>Then, because there does not seem to be a way to test the sql query to see
>if it returns zero rows, the table headings will always be printed, even
>if no table rows print (assuming for this example that the user chose
>"Black" for catColor in the HTML form):
>      String myColor = request.getParameter("catColor");
><sql:statement id="stmt1" conn="conn1">
>   <sql:query>
>     SELECT * FROM catTable WHERE color='<%= myColor %>'
>   </sql:query>
>   <!-- I want to have a conditional test here
>        so that is the query above returns zero rows,
>        the following HTML does not get printed.
>   -->
>   <table>
>   <tr>
>     <td>catName</td>
>     <td>color</td>
>     <td>furType</td>
>   </tr>
>   <!-- need to NOT print the above HTML if zero rows
>        in query! -->
>   <sql:execute ignoreErrors="true"/>
>   <sql:resultSet id="rset2">
>     <tr>
>       <td><sql:getColumn colName="catName"/></td>
>       <td><sql:getColumn colName="color"/></td>
>       <td><sql:getColumn colName="furType"/></td>
>     </tr>
>   </sql:resultSet>
>   <!-- same here, don't print if zero rows -->
>   </table>
>   <!-- how? -->
>That is, because of the ignoreErrors-"true", if there are zero rows,
>nothing gets printed out inside the resultSet block.  However, the
>literal table header row always gets printed.
>Thanks for any advice.
>- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>Carole E. Mah                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>            Senior Programmer/Analyst
>    Brown University Scholarly Technology Group
>                phn 401-863-2669
>                fax 401-863-9313
>             http://www.stg.brown.edu/
>   personal: http://www.stg.brown.edu/~carolem/
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