i am using the http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/regexp-1.0 taglib to perform the 

the syntax looks like this:

<%-- create the first substitute regexp  --%>
<rx:regexp id="rx1">s/method="POST"/method="GET"/gmi</rx:regexp>

<%-- create the second substitute regexp  --%>
<rx:regexp id="rx2">s/href="(http:\/\/www.din-metallbauerhandwerk.*?)"/href="<%= 
response.encodeURL("$1") %>"/gmi</rx:regexp>

<%-- set the text to match on --%>
<rx:text id="test">
<%= pageContext.findAttribute("doc") %>

Here is the text after first substitution...<br>
<rx:substitute regexp="rx2" text="test"/>

how would you stick it in the c:set tag?

thanx for your help !

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 16.05.2002  16.34 Uhr >>>
On Thu, 16 May 2002, TIMO EINSIEDLER-BURGER wrote:

> I must perfom multiple substitutions on an imported (-> import tag)
> text.
> But as far as i read and (hopefully) understood the docs and specs it
> is only possible to perform one regular expression on a text and then
> print out the text (but not to copy the substituted text into a
> variable -> which would already solve the problem !).

I'm not sure what you're using to perform the regular-expression
substitution (the String Taglib?), but it sounds like whatever it is, you
can stick it inside JSTL's <c:set> tag to "capture" the output as a

Shawn Bayern
"JSP Standard Tag Library"   http://www.jstlbook.com 
(coming this summer from Manning Publications)

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