On 18 Sep 2002, Craig Longman wrote:

> 1) is this resetting of bodyContent the responsibility of the
> implementing tag?  seeing as the return from doStartTag() doesn't seem
> to be included in the AttrSet that decides if a tag can be reused or
> not, i guess it is?  (the BodyTagSupport.doStartTag(), but it returns
> EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED by default so it can assume that setBodyContent()
> is called)

Short answer:  yes, the behavior you're describing is consistent with a
container acting legally.  The tag is responsible for adapting

(I should say, just for completeness, that questions like this get
intricate fast, so it's important to note that what I say extemporaneously
isn't official or backed up by authoritative word from the JSP expert

> 2) is the goal of using EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE when possible an admirable
> one?  considering that the included body _might_ be very big, i think it
> is, but i'd like confirmation.

Note that the page might be buffered anyway, which obviates your
stream-to-the-client case.  But in general, yes:  EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE has
the potential to be more efficient than EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED.  All things
being equal, it should run more quickly, though of course it's nearly
impossible to say *how* much quickly without testing.

> 3) is returning different values from doStartTag() a
> stupid/dangerous/illegal thing to do?

No, but as the logical conclusion of the issues you've raised, returning
different codes for different invocations does require additional work on
your part.  I typically record state in an instance variable that's under
the control of doStartTag(), as in:

  doStartTag() {
    // ...
    needBody = true;

  doEndTag() {
    if (needBody)
      // ...
      // ...

Hope that helps,

Shawn Bayern
"JSTL in Action"   http://www.jstlbook.com

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