Hi guys. I'm writing a taglib that generates a generic expand/collapsible
hierarchical menu widget from a Map of Maps and Strings. I would like my
taglib to allow (require?) the user to use EL expessions instead of <%= %>
(RT?) expressions in its attributes. From the examples in the JSTL RI, I
suppose I would do something like this:

import org.apache.taglibs.standard.lang.support.ExpressionEvaluatorManager;


MyObject object = (MyObject)ExpressionEvaluatorManager.evaluate(name,
value, clazz, this, this.pageContext);

which is all well and good, but it ties my taglib to the JSTL RI, which is
not the Right Thing to do, I'd think. How do you evaluate EL's without
using the org.apache JSTL RI?

- donald

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