Hi, I'm a newbie in this area so this will no doubt sound sort of
stupid. First I'm somewhat confused as to what is part of what project,
i.e is xtags part of the jstl? I'm confused about this because I
understand the XSL tag library is superceded by the JSTL and I figured
if it was maybe xtags as well.
 I have an application for which xtags seems to be the right solution
but I don't want to use it if it's possible to do the same things with a
library under the JSTL. 
If xtags is not part of the JSTL is there an answering library that has
the same functionality? The functionality I want is specifically to run
an xslt against an xml and pass in parameters, simple enough. I don't
want to use Cocoon in this situation for reasons too convoluted to

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