there were discussions a while back on this topic. I submitted a
suggestion to the expert group for JSP requarding this issue for JSP
compile filters.  Using compression is one fix, but it doesn't really
address the heart of the problem. If you look at the generated source
file, you will see tons of out.write for all those blank lines.  It's a
bit wasteful to have all blank lines, so there should be a clear
specification on how JSP page compiler should remove extra spaces if
application desires.

I had several discussions with the developers of Jasper2. The current
spec states the whitespace and blank lines have to be preserved. I'm
hoping the JSP spec after 2.0 will address this issue and make it a


Wolfgang Röckelein wrote:
> Hi,
> Hans Bergsten wrote:
> > Anyway, the best way to handle it is probably to use a filter that
> > compresses the response (most browsers supports compressed responses
> > today) since that would reduce the space needed for both whitespace
> > and repeated tags. See this article for an example of the implementation
> > of such a filter:
> >
> >   <>
> Has anybody used this filer with a recent tomcat Version?
> I mostly get 0 length files from this filter (Tomcat 4.1.12) ...
> Thank you for any hints,
>    Wolfgang
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