The JSTL sql tag simply saves the ResultSet's .getObject() method and when you iterate through the rows, c:out calls the object's .toString() method. Oracle's implementation of the Clob object does not override the Object's .toString() method to produce the field's value. You must do something like:

* Returns the Clob object as a String Object
public static String clobToString(Object clob) throws SQLException {
if (clob != null && clob instanceof Clob) {
long length = ((Clob)clob).length();
return ((Clob)clob).getSubString(1, (int)length);
else {
return null;

I don't think it would be very portable to do this inside the JSTL code.

Just my ++cents

James Smith wrote:

Hello. I'm using the Jakarta JSTL tags (1.0.2) within Tomcat 4.1.12, with
JDK 1.4.0 on a Windows platform. I'm using the SQL tags to get large text
fields from an Oracle database and Oracle sends back those fields as CLOBs,
not as strings. When putting the data into the pageContext, the EL decides
that the CLOBs are not strings and therefore acts as if the CLOBs were
beans. Is there an easy way to get the EL to turn the CLOBs into strings
automatically, or, if there isn't, can anyone point me to the proper .java
file in the JSTL source code so I can jimmy with it there? Thanks,


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