[Irazabal, Alex] W hy does the search below fail?

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">


<%@ taglib uri=" http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/scrape-1.0

<http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/scrape-1.0> " prefix="scrp" %>


<title>Example JSP using scrape taglib</title>


<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

<scrp:page url="c:\jakarta\changes.html" time="1000"> 

<scrp:scrape id="Title1" begin="<h3>" end="</h3>" anchors="true"/>


<h3 align="center">Scraped News</h3><br/><br/>

<scrp:result scrape="Title1"/>




on the following page:

<head><META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;


<meta name="author" content="Rich Catlett">

<title>Jakarta-Taglibs: Scrape Tag library (Pre Beta) Revision



<body bgcolor="white">



Jakarta Project: Scrape Tag library (Pre Beta)

Revision History



<h3>07/22/2001 - Pre Beta</h3>


Clean up of tag library prior to performing a beta

release, moving toward an official release. Changing tag library over


the new build.


<h3>02/26/2001 - Development</h3>


Initial version of tag library before Jakarta-Taglibs

had an official release policy for tag libraries.



It should come up with 2 tags:

07/22/2001 - Pre Beta

02/26/2001 - Development

But it comes in empty!!! Anyone care to help, please?



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