Philippe Petit wrote:
Howto internationalize the labels of buttons
is it possible or not to nest tags this way : <input type="submit"
name="ListOrg" Value="<fmt:message
key=\"\" bundle=\"${nav}\"/>" >
and if not, what are the interests of JSTL if we have to go back to JSP
expressions, or scriptlets so often, and if the use of tags needs
development skills?
is it "really" a decoupling between logic and presentation ? I doubt...
What you're trying to do works fine, except that there's no need to
escape the quotes around the <fmt:message> attributes (that actually
causes the problem you most likely experience).

The key is to realize that the <input> element is not seen as an
element at all by the JSP container; it's just "template text", since
the JSP container doesn't know anything about HTML. So your example
should look like this:

  <input type="submit" name="ListOrg"
    value="<fmt:message key="" bundle="${nav}"/>" >

Again, since the container regards the HTML <input> element as any ol'
template text, this is no different than this as far as it's concerned:

  foo <fmt:message key="" bundle="${nav}"/> bar

It's just to us poor humans it looks confusing ;-)

Hans Bergsten                                <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gefion Software                       <>
Author of O'Reilly's "JavaServer Pages", covering JSP 1.2 and JSTL 1.0
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