David M. Karr wrote:
This is probably obvious, but it is the case that any tag libraries that use
the ExpressionEvaluator class in the Jakarta JSTL implementation are actually
dependent on the Jakarta implementation, as opposed to the specification,

Yes this is correct, as mentioned also by Tim.

Since only the JSP api is described in the specification, and not the
Java api,

Sorry, I don't quite get the distinction you're making here.

then another JSTL implementation could use a completely different
class.  I'm not complaining, I just want to make sure I'm clear on that point.

If you are talking JSTL 1.0 URIs, then this is correct. With JSTL 1.1 URIs, the EL is provided by the JSP container and an API is exposed in the JSP 2.0 spec for whoever wants direct access.

-- Pierre

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