Here I cut&pasted a code fragment of my JSP.

    <h3>raw Model</h3>
    <c:import var="xslturl2" url="/WEB-INF/transform/IdentityTransform.xsl"
     <%@ page import="" %>
    <%@ page import="" %>
     StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    StreamResult outputResult = new StreamResult(sw);
     pageContext.setAttribute("outputResult", outputResult);
     <x:transform xml="${pipeline_final_output_String}" xslt="${xslturl2}"
    <table border="1">
    <tr><td><pre><c:out value="${resultString}" escapeXml="true"

What is this doing?

/WEB-INF/trasnform/IdentityTransform.xsl is a XSLT stylesheet which just
copies the input source to the output result while changing the character
encoding from UTF-8 to Shifg_JIS (Japanese local charaset).

     <x:transform xml="${pipeline_final_output_String}" xslt="${xslturl2}"
this fragment set the String format of the input XML
(${pipeline_final_output_String} EL variable stands for it) to a variable

Then <c:out value="${resultString}" escapeXml="true" /> this tag prints the
String which contains lot of <s and >s , but it is just a String -:).

A cute portion of the above code might be that StringWriter class. This
scriptlet trick the XSLT processor to write the transformation result as a
plain String into the ${resultString}.

Would this help?

     MATSUHASHI, kazuaki

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