Hey gang,

As you all must know dynamic includes are of course extremely powerful. I can't seem 
to find a version of include that plays nicely with tags. I'd like to do an include 
based on the value of a tag:


This would include /contentForum.jsp in the case of a forum. 

Now I've created a tag of this sort for our own taglibs using 
RequestDispatcher.include, but that one doesn't include in the context of the Page I 
was in. I've also looked at the <c:import> tag and I don't think that will do exactly 
what I need either.

Can anybody tell me:

A: Is there a form of include/import that allows using nested tags for resolving the 
B: Is it possible to create a tag that includes within the page context/scope?

Thanks in advance,

Martin van Dijken

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