I am using Struts DynaActionForm object dataForm (session scope) to hold a
form data. It is no problem to display that form bean property in the JSP
page by using the Struts bean tag <bean:write name="dataForm"
property="check_id"  />.
However I'd like see how the JSTL works by using JSTL without specifying
scope <c:out value="${dataForm.check_id}"  />, it gave me exception like
javax.servlet.ServletException: An error occurred while evaluating custom
action attribute "value" with value "${dataForm.check_id}": Unable to find a
value for "check_id" in object of class
"org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm" using operator "." (null)
If I specify the sessionScope as <c:out
value="${sessionScope.dataForm.check_id}"  />, then there is no exception
thrown, but no value returned from check_id property.
I am using Tomcat 4.04, I have JSTL 1.0 installed. 
Can someone help me out ?

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